Make It Happen


Make it happen 7 steps to thrive for womenpreneurs will help, and connect you to find your market place, whether it is a networking event, an industry trade show, a fair, a forum, a stock exchange, or online, these are all market places that empower you to connect with potential customers, suppliers, staff and partners.

Make it Happen 7 Steps to Thrive for Womenpreneurs

Betty was voted by the public the Best Community Leader in the Extraordinary Women’s Awards 2014 which was organised by the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry “Singapore” For over thirty years, Betty has juggled business, family, friends and charities. The pitfalls she experienced along the way increased her determination to succeed and share her valuable experiences with other women.

Make it happen 7 steps to thrive for womenpreneurs will appeal much more to woman who dreams of financial freedom and flexibility.

Make it happen 7 steps to thrive for womenpreneurs will help, and connect you to find your market place, whether it is a networking event, an industry trade show, a fair, a forum, a stock exchange, or online, these are all market places that empower you to connect with potential customers, suppliers, staff and partners.

This book is going to connect you with others to form strategic partnerships, and you connect with others to perform market research.

Betty said in this book, When you are able to connect to people, on the other hand, they remember you.

As so much happens online in today’s digital world, launching a business and making a transaction is easy. However, without connections behind them, your business and those transactions will lack impact and will ultimately be forgettable, make it happen will show it all.

Betty in this publication also connect you with how to handle stress, If you do learn to manage your stress, however, you will be able to make more reasoned decisions, perform at a higher level, be more productive, and communicate clearly for better working relationships and business outcomes.

Make it happen 7 steps to thrive for womenpreneurs will serve as a valuable resource and guide.


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