How To De-clutter Your Life & Reduce Stress


Living in a fast world pace demands our constant attention to various situations, people and workload all at once so it’s nearly impossible to not feel stressed along the way. That’s okay. You’re only human. Instead of eliminating the stress of your life ( nearly impossible), we’re here to tell you how to manage them so you can look forward to the next day with a big smile. Here are some ways to de-clutter your life and reduce stress.

Does item Spark Joy- Marie Kondo

1) Reduce Your Commitment

Responsibilities pile up as we grow up. Often, our daily routine revolves from duties to home, school, keeping the small circle of your relationships alive and so on till you’ve got no space to pause.

Behind every accomplishment of high achievers is a long list of things they didn’t do. One way to identify passion among our list of commitment is to find the balance in doing what needs to be done and situation or activities that bring us joy! Write down the needs and want. Eliminate anything that doesn’t define you!

2) Buy What You Need

Becoming a minimalist definitely ads up to a dimension of zen in your life. With sales appearing to attract consumers, it’s our responsibility to consider if or not the item we’re eyeing add value in our lives. Ask yourself questions: Do you want it or do you need it? Whether you waste time looking for misplaced items or you grow overwhelmed every time you open your closet, having too much stuff wastes your resources.

3) Clean Up Now, NOT Later

Many say you can learn a lot about a person by knowing whether or not they make their bed in the morning. Its the first task of the day before one gets up to tackle the rest of his/her duty, so do it. not in the sense of a must but more of enjoying the few minutes of taking the time to tidy up. Happiness is within you and attaining a sense of enjoyment while doing the little things does up to your life. so we say, Just Do it, with a smile.

4) Reconsider Your Routines

This is where the magic lays. Understanding the role we play for others and work yet finding time ourselves is something of a reward in adulthood. There’s a joy in living a stress-free life and that can be only attained if tasks are completed without piling up for the next day. Some home task can be done once a week (laundry, grocery shopping, meal prep). Planning for the week ahead will give you a rough idea on activities and duties to tackle. And believe it or not, knowing what to do next without rushing into brings a new sense of calm and order to your life.

5) Detach From Toxic People In Your Life

Maintaining relationships takes the soul and life out a person if they aren’t complimenting your personality nor your way of thinking or seeing life as it takes an extra to be on the same page.

And we ain’t about that kind of life. If there isn’t love in any kind of relationship from both parties, take a step forward and find peace somewhere else. There’s nothing more draining than spending time with someone who doesn’t feel the way about you as you for them.

6) Simplify Methods and Make it Work

Other person’s way of doing things wont necessarily work for you. Examine the way that you do things and how things make their way into your life, and consider whether you can put together a simple system for everything, from your laundry to work projects and email.

Bottom life is consistency and discipline because its easier for life to control your when you’re the one who should be in controlled.


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